Examples of SilverStripe add-ons (more than 1800 available)
- Error-Page
- SPAM-Protection / Akismet antispam module
- Tag-Field
- Blog
- support for the Google Sitemaps XML
- Fulltext Search
- Redirected URLs
- addressable and geocoding module
- HTML5 Support
- commenting functionality
- spellcheck support
- tracking of broken external links
- Import of OpenOffice-compatible files (doc, docx, etc)
- SilverStripe Omnipay Payment Module
- PDF export capability for pages in CWP
- form fields
- Implementation of the Facebook Open Graph protocol
- search and export interfaces for datasets
- RSS feeds
- google map field: Save locations using latitude/longitude DataObject fields
- SVG support
- Toolset to help with the day by day maintenance work
- DebugBar
- Composer Update Checker: Checks if any composer packages needs to be updated
- dropdown fields
- CWP fulltextsearch integration module
- Content review: Flag pages for periodical author review (incl. reporting)
- email notifications for visitor comments
- Email obfuscator
- SEO Editor Administration
- Export large data sets from your GridField
- Autocomplete text fields
- GeoIP
- Add trait autoloading
- Populate your database through YAML files
- generate a sitemap page
- Library that adds smtp mail support
- Set character length recommendations
- annotate objects with metadata
- Social media sharing previews and customisation
- drag & drop grouping of items
- insert Shortcodes
- Event Calendar
- SilverStripe Omnipay UI Module
- Add Google Analytics
- Enable encryption of data at rest (in database)
- Document Management System
- SilverStripe payment provider integration. Currently supported: DPS, Eway, Paypal, Paystation, Worldpay
- cyber-duck / silverstripe-seo: optimise the Meta, crawling, indexing, and sharing of your website content
- SilverStripe SEO: SEO module for Silverstripe
- revstrat / silverstripe agegate: Adds age-gate for verifying visitor’s eligibility to view restricted content
- Forum Module
- silverstripe-languageprefix: Extends silverstripe-translatable to allow for (custom) language prefixes on multilingual sites
- create custom data lists
- display a collection of images
- Silverstripe Twitter Card Module
- Simple Twitter feed for Silverstripe
- Add a Google Map (optionally with Streetview)
- PHPMailer implementation for SilverStripe
- SilverStripe Locator Module. Show locations on a map.
- Silver Stripe module to display social network links
- Google’s new “high-intelligence” reCAPTCHA approach
- News module
- Record and track changes to any dataobjects
- ability to extend images in SilverStripe
- ajax support
- SEO Metadata: Enhanced SEO metadata module for the SilverStripe framework
- Add Google Site Search
- Silverstripe Translatable extension for DataObjects
- robots generation module
- Silvertripe module to manage and display testimonials
- MSSQL: Adds MSSQL support to SilverStripe
- SEO Icons: Enhanced SEO favicon and application icon module
- ABC SilverSTripe Social: Library that adds some social media functionality
- Embed YouTube, Vimeo etc.
- Facebook Tools: Facebook LikeBoxPage, Like Button, Metadata
- Twitter Module
- Page types for our gallery module
- Adds error log viewer to /dev
- Silverstripe Site Designer
- Member notification module
- Featured Products List
- Add adverts to a site filtering by category
- Treacy SilverStripe Welcome: Welcome screen
- MailChimp Integration
- Staffprofiles: SilverStripe module for staff profiles
- Timeline: Provides an timeline view of events
- SSGallery: SilverStripe Gallery
- Instagram Module for SilverStripe
- FAQ page Module
- termsandconditions: add a terms and conditions page to your silverstripe website
- Drop-in configurable notice about cookies
- Programmatically define default groups
- Display global messages to visitors
- Facebook Instant Articles RSS Feed
- Easily send emails via Mandrill
- Chimpify: Generate MailChimp Campaign content from SilverStripe blogs
- SilverStripe SEO friendly data object
- WP Import: WordPress import tool for the SilverStripe Weblog module
- Product catalog
- PHP7 module for Silverstripe 3.2
- Allows to edit tables in wysiwyg style
- Allows image compression via kraken.io
- Authenticate CMS users with Google’s Website Sign-in
- Social Media tracking
- Language editor
- Terms and conditions checkbox field for SilverStripe
- Manages emails, session and request alerts
- Automatically translate subsite pages
- knowledgebase module
- Articles module
- wordpress importer that handles various operations