Our Online Casino Software with 50+ Games: A Good Selection!

In developing our online casino software, we not only work with the latest technologies, such as HTML5, we also take scientific findings into account. We have created the types of online casino games that are proven to be among the most popular with players. We have created easy versions of these popular online casino games, as it’s been proven that players prefer games with easy rules.

50+ Games

With a total of 50+ games, players have a wide range to choose from. Some agencies offer you a combination of hundreds of games from different online casino software providers. Let’s be honest: Our goal from the beginning has been to sell full online casino software at an affordable price. Of course, we work continuously on the development of new games, but it would be economically impossible to offer you hundreds of games and low prices at the same time. Additionally, decades of empirical research results show that a selection of hundreds of games would be extremely counterproductive.

More choice = more satisfied customers = more turnover? Why would a large selection be bad?

Admittedly, shopping is fun. This is why malls are so big! And it’s true that a large selection of games can cover individual preferences and will initially attract interested parties.

One might think that a large selection would appeal to more tastes, making the buying process faster. Far from it! In practice, each individual offer must first be assessed and compared with other offers, thus increasing the potential for conflict.

Empirical studies show that product diversity can have an impact on decision-making situations and purchasing behavior. It’s been shown that research subjects who face a large selection of products either delay or cancel purchase decisions. Similarly, these research subjects become frustrated with all the choices and tend to fall back on well-known products. The purchasing process can therefore be negatively influenced by a large selection of products, which can have a negative impact on every phase of the purchasing process, from product search and selection to the post-purchase phase.

Evidence via Experiment

Sheena S. Iyengar and Mark R. Lepper (2000) – When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing?

The experiment of Sheena S. Iyengar and Mark R. Lepper on product selection could have taken place in the 21st century in many supermarkets around the world.

In a Los Angeles supermarket, a stand was set up where interested shoppers could test a variety of jams. Six varieties were offered for one hour, then 24 varieties for the following hour.

How many people noticed the stand and tasted the jam, and what percent actually bought any jam after their tasting experience? When the 24 types of jam were offered, a whopping 60% of the supermarket customers stopped at the stand. 60%! However, when only six types of jam were offered, the interest was lower, and only 40% stopped at the stand. 40% – disappointing, right? This is a difference of 20 percentage points compared to the 60% who were interested when 24 jam varieties were available. Seemingly, if you transfer these percentages to your website, they translate as 50% more traffic.

Watch your step, however. This picture is deceptive in the overall view.

The number of ultimate consumers varied enormously. When only six kinds of jam were offered, 30% bought jam. When 24 kinds of jam were offered, only 3% bought jam. To clarify:

6 varieties = 30% purchased the product
24 varieties = 3% purchased the product

The purchase rate thus differed considerably. What use are 60% of the prospective customers if only 3% of them actually buy something due to the large product selection? A considerably better scenario is 40% interested parties, 30% of whom buy something.

These results can be transferred to online casino software. If you have hundreds of games, you can first attract the attention of website visitors. But what use is this if only a tiny percentage of visitors actually open a customer money account or transact with Bitcoin?

We think that 50+ online casino games offers the perfect number of games, given the variety of these empirical research results. In view of these results, even 50+ games may already be too many, so we offer specially-priced packages which include a smaller selection of popular games. However, if you wish to order a package with exactly 50 games, we can also accommodate your price point.

Are you afraid to reduce the number of games you offer?

We understand your fears, and we understand when our online casino software operators shy away from reducing their gamers’ choices, something that is perceived as less attractive for website visitors. We get it.

However, we believe that reducing the number of available games is not what will determine how many new customers you secure. The key to customer retention actually lies in your website. Often, websites are not clearly structured and extremely confusing. It’s important to work on the clarity and information presentation of your website and concentrate on a certain clientele in a certain country. For example, customers in country A love table games and want to pay with Bitcoin , while customers in country B prefer slots and want to use their money account.

Also, keep in mind that selection is not the only thing that attracts customers. In brick-and-mortar shops, the location and low prices attract the most customers. This transfers to your website as good architecture, well-prepared information, and price advantages (for example, a new customer bonus).

The key is to optimize your website and your assortment of games. Our online casino software has some of the most unique features on the market to help you do this. Because the software is built on SilverStripe CMS, you can use the SilverStripe developer of your choice to create THE perfect web design, without having to depend on us. The possibilities are limitless! You may also be able to use existing SilverStripe add-ons.

Other providers pay dearly for these functionalities, but you won’t with us! And keep in mind: With most other vendors, you are completely dependent on the goodwill of the online casino software developer. If the vendor only offers three web designs to choose from, you are limited to that selection. With our online casino software, you can create your own online casino for a reasonable price, independently of our designers.

Conclusion: With a large product selection, you can initially attract many interested parties. Ultimately, however, a large selection of products will have a negative impact on the purchasing behavior of buyers since the buyer must compare each option to all the others.

Most people simply become overwhelmed by a multitude of product characteristics, individual preferences, etc.

Do not be afraid to reduce your product selection! Again, a reduction in the number of games you offer will not lead to fewer customers! The solution to attracting new customers usually lies in your website’s structure, architecture, and information processing. Cheap prices, i.e. good entry offers and promotions, are also among the most important criteria for attracting customers.

Is the jam experiment not enough proof for you? There is an abundance of evidence from previous decades that supports the results of this research. Here’s yet another research project on purchasing behavior as it relates to product offerings:

Amos Tversky and Eldar Shafir (1992) – Choice under Conflict: The Dynamics of Deferred Decision

Tversky and Shafir investigated the impact of product selection on purchasing behavior. The authors’ hypothesis is that providing attractive alternatives leads to conflicts among consumers, resulting in the abandonment and postponement of the purchasing process, the reason for which is a conflict of decision.

The researchers tested their hypothesis by dividing some test subjects into two groups and confronting them with an experimental buying situation. The first group (N = 121) was presented with a CD player. The second group (N = 124) was presented with the same CD player as the first group as well as a higher-quality CD player. The test subjects could buy a device now or postpone their purchase in order to learn more about the devices afterward.

The results were fascinating. Of the first group (with one device to choose from), 66% bought the device, and only 34% decided to postpone the purchase. Of the second group (with two devices to choose from), 27% wanted to buy the first device, 27% wanted to purchase the second device, and a whopping 46% wanted to postpone the purchase to learn more about the two devices. The share of those who did not make a purchase thus increased by 12 percentage points (from 34% to 46%) due to the existence of a second option. The authors explain this as a decision conflict directly caused by this second option.

It could be argued that 46% of the second group postponed the purchase because they suspected there were even better devices on the market, so the authors pursued this assumption. For this next experiment, a group of survey participants were split into two groups and were given $1.50. Group 1 could choose to keep either the $1.50 or a metal ballpoint pen. Group 2 could choose between the $1.50, a metal pen, or two plastic pens. The results were interesting. Of group 1, 25% opted to keep the $1.50. Of Group 2, 53% opted to keep the $1.50. The authors explain this as follows: Because there were several (more than two) alternative choices for Group 2, they avoided making an active decision because of the presence of so many alternatives. In other words, 53% chose the standard, which was the $1.50. The test subjects were simply overwhelmed by so many choices and simply reverted back to their first option, without really even considering the others. It’s almost like they became lazy with so many things to choose from! Another analogy: When people go to a restaurant that has a menu with a million options, they usually choose the simplest thing in the end. A hamburger, or a salad, for example. Even though there are so many other delicious things to choose from! It’s too much to have to decide and imagine what each dish would taste like.

As a result of this research, Tversky and Shafir were able to again show that more alternatives to a purchase lead to the cancelation or postponement of the purchase. This is the decision conflict that, ultimately, consumers either cannot or do not want to solve.

In these experiments, the test subjects had to choose from only two to three alternatives, yet the purchase cancellations and postponements were strikingly high. Imagine that you are offering hundreds of different games to your online casino players! Rhetorically, one can ask: How high will the purchase cancellation be in that situation?


Amos Tversky and Eldar Shafir. “Choice under Conflict: The Dynamics of Deferred Decision.” Psychological Science 6 (1992). 358-361.

Sheena S. Iyengar and Mark R. Lepper. “When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing?” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79 (2000). 995-1006.

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